1 // just docs: adrdox syntax 2 /++ 3 This document describes the syntax recognized by my documentation generator. It uses a hybrid of ddoc and markdown syntax, with some customizations and pre-defined styles I like, while not supporting things I feel aren't worth the hassle. 4 5 It has support for enough legacy ddoc that Phobos still works, but is really a different language - I think ddoc made a lot of mistakes (and markdown made mistakes too). 6 7 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 8 Paragraphs just work. 9 10 Automatically. 11 12 $(LIST 13 * Lists can be displayed 14 * in bracketed markdown style 15 ) 16 17 $(SMALL_TABLE 18 markdown | style 19 tables | work (if bracketed) 20 ) 21 22 --- 23 void d_code() { 24 is formatted brilliantly; 25 } 26 --- 27 28 ``` 29 Markdown-style code blocks work too for other languages 30 or convenient <pre> blocks. 31 ``` 32 33 ```java 34 public static void Main() { 35 return "With some syntax highlighting." 36 } 37 ``` 38 39 We also have `inline code`. 40 41 $(TIP and various content boxes.) 42 43 $(MATH \int \text{LaTeX} too! dx) 44 ) 45 46 47 $(H2 Document outline) 48 49 Your comment consists of three parts: the first paragraph, which is meant to be a stand-alone summary which is shown out-of-context in search results, the synopsis, which is displayed "above the fold" - before the function prototype, member list, or automatically generated table of contents, and finally, the rest of the documentation. 50 51 The fold is inserted at the first "\n\n\n" it finds in your comment (the first time it sees two blank lines: 52 53 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 54 55 This is the summary. It is shown in search results and 56 at the top of your generated document. 57 58 This is the synopsis, still displayed above the fold. 59 60 So is this. 61 62 63 The two blank lines above is the placeholder where the 64 table of contents is inserted. This paragraph, and 65 everything below it, is the bulk body of the page. 66 67 Line breaks in the middle of a paragraph, except in code 68 blocks, are ignored. You can format your comments however you like. 69 ) 70 71 $(H3 Symbol grouping) 72 73 You can optionally group symbols together by defining groups in a special section in your module definition comment, then tagging the doc comments on the items. 74 75 --- 76 /++ 77 This demos symbol grouping. 78 79 Symbol_groups: 80 81 group_name = 82 Introductory and explanatory text for the group. It may 83 include any kind of 84 85 drawing = 86 ## Drawing 87 88 This library supports several drawing functions. You 89 draw them all on a "surface" of sorts, derived from 90 [Drawable]. 91 +/ 92 module test; 93 94 /++ Group: group_name 95 Introductory text 96 97 and paragraphs like normal. 98 99 100 This goes below the fold. 101 +/ 102 void foo() {} 103 104 /++ 105 This is in the [drawing] group. 106 107 Group: drawing 108 +/ 109 interface Drawable { 110 /// Group: group_name 111 void whatever() {} 112 } 113 --- 114 115 The `Symbol_groups:` section should only appear on the module commment. The `Group: name` line MUST be the first thing to appear in a comment, or be on the very last line of the comment. It can only appear once. Putting a function in multiple groups is not current supported. 116 117 If there is no header at the start of the group definition, one will be automatically inserted based on the group name. 118 119 For cross referencing purposes, the groups are considered pseudo-symbols at module scope. This means you can refer to them with the shortcut `[symbol]` syntax from anywhere in the module, or from outside the module if used with a fully-qualified name. 120 121 However, for best results, it should not conflict with any real names in the module, nor with any [#footnotes|link references], which also introduce pseudo-symbols. If there is a conflict, the reference result is currently undefined (it may be any one of them, in no particular order). I will define that precedence order at some other time - so for now, avoid name conflicts! 122 123 $(H2 Macros) 124 125 adrdox inherits ddoc's macro syntax, but uses it differently than ddoc: it does not support user-defined macros, and sometimes uses them to bracket special syntax. 126 127 Any time you see me show ddoc macro syntax, `$(NAME )`, be aware that you can also use `${NAME }`. For example, if you have unbalanced parenthesis inside the thing, you may prefer to use `${}`. 128 129 ${ADRDOX_SAMPLE 130 $(B this is bold) 131 ${B so is this} 132 ${I this has unbalanced paren :) } 133 } 134 135 $(H3 List of supported simple formatting macros) 136 137 ${ADRDOX_SAMPLE 138 $(B Bold text) 139 $(I Italic text) 140 $(HIGHLIGHT Highlighted text) 141 $(SUPERSCRIPT Superscript) 142 $(SUBSCRIPT Subscript) 143 $(DIV HTML division, intended for using 144 ID and CLASS for more 145 flexible css customization) 146 } 147 148 Others may or may not work due to legacy compatibility, but I may remove them without notice so you should not use any not explicitly listed somewhere in this document. 149 150 $(H2 Code snippets) 151 152 $(H3 Inline code) 153 154 Inline code can be marked with Markdown (and Ddoc) style ``code here ``, which will render as `code here`. Text inside the backticks suppress all other documentation generator processing - it will just be escaped for literal output. 155 156 $(TIP If you need to display a literal ``, use the `$(BACKTICK)` macro or a doubled backtick: ````.) 157 158 Code inside backticks may only span one line. If a line has an unmatched backtick, it is not processed as code. 159 160 If you want syntax-highlighted inline D code, use `$(D d code here)`, such as `$(D if(a is true))` will result in $(D if(a is true)) - notice the syntax highlighting on the D keywords. 161 162 $(H3 Block code) 163 164 There are three syntaxes for code blocks: Markdown style $(BACKTICK)$(BACKTICK)$(BACKTICK), ddoc style ---, and a magic macro called `$(CONSOLE)`. 165 166 All code blocks are outdented and leading and trailing blank lines are removed, but all other whitespace is left intact. This means you may indent it as much as you like inside your comments without breaking the output. 167 168 $(H4 Markdown style - for generic code) 169 170 The Markdown style block is meant to be used with generic code or preformatted text that is not D. 171 172 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 173 ``` 174 Code here which preserves 175 whitespace 176 ``` 177 ) 178 179 You can optionally include a language name after the opening ticks and it will label and attempt syntax highlighting (the syntax highlighter is not as precise as the D highlighter, but often should be good enough): 180 181 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 182 ```javascript 183 /* This is highlighted Javascript! */ 184 window.onload = function() { 185 var a = "hello, world!"; 186 var b = 5; 187 }; 188 ``` 189 190 ```c 191 /* Highlighted C */ 192 #include<stdio.h> 193 typedef struct { 194 int a; 195 } test; 196 ``` 197 198 ```php 199 <?php 200 # highlighted PHP 201 function foo($a) { 202 $a = 'hello'; 203 return $a; 204 } 205 ?> 206 ``` 207 208 ```python 209 # highlighted python 210 class test: 211 """ docstring """ 212 def myfunc(): 213 if True or 1 > 0: 214 print "hello" 215 else 216 print test 217 ``` 218 219 ```html 220 <span class="foo"> 221 <!-- try hovering over the entity! --> 222 HTML & 223 </span> 224 ``` 225 226 ```css 227 /* This also highlights */ 228 span[data-test="foo"] > .bar { 229 color: red; 230 } 231 ``` 232 233 ```sdlang 234 // dub.sdl can contain comments! 235 name "somepackage" 236 description "A little web service of mine." 237 authors "Peter Parker" 238 homepage "http://myproject.example.com" 239 license "GPL-2.0" 240 dependency "vibe-d" version="~>0.7.23" 241 configuration "metro-app" { 242 platforms "windows" 243 targetType "executable" 244 versions "MetroApp" 245 libs "d3d11" 246 } 247 configuration "desktop-app" { 248 platforms "windows" 249 targetType "executable" 250 versions "DesktopApp" 251 libs "d3d9" 252 } 253 configuration "glut-app" { 254 // works on any platform 255 targetType "executable" 256 versions "GlutApp" 257 } 258 ``` 259 ) 260 261 Currently supported languages for highlighting include: C, C++, Javascript, PHP, Java, C#, CSS, HTML, XML, Python, Ruby, [arsd.script|adrscript] and D. Though, for D, you should use ddoc style `---` delimiters to get the full-featured D highlighter instead of using the simpler one here. This simple highlighter aims for good enough to help visually on simple examples rather than being perfect on each target language. 262 263 Use the language name in all lower case when tagging the language, like `php` or `c++`. 264 265 $(TIP If you ever want to document the syntax of a Markdown code block itself, I added a magic $(BACKTICK)$(BACKTICK)$(BACKTICK){ code }$(BACKTICK)$(BACKTICK)$(BACKTICK) syntax. As long as the braces are nested, everything inside will be considered part of the literal code block, including other code blocks.) 266 267 The generator MAY syntax highlight the language using `span` with class names, but might not (really depends on if I implement it). You may use the language as a target in CSS using the `data-language` attribute to customize the appearance. 268 269 $(H4 Ddoc style - for D code) 270 271 The ddoc style block only works with D code. It runs the sample through the D lexer, so it understands things like nested documentation comments and will properly skip them while syntax highlighting the output. 272 273 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 274 --- 275 /** 276 Ddoc style code blocks understand D deeply. 277 278 --- 279 if(example.nested) 280 stillWorks!(); 281 --- 282 */ 283 void main() {} 284 --- 285 ) 286 287 Ddoc style code samples are special in one way: you can highlight code inside it by using `/* adrdox_highlight{ */ code here would be highlighted /* }adrdox_highlight */` comments in the sample. Note that it matches those strings $(I exactly), meaning you must use `/* */` comments and must have the same spacing. `/* adrdox_highlight{ */` turns it on, `/* }adrdox_highlight */` turns it off. Note that if you don't turn it off, you may cause invalid html to be generated (the implementation just opens and closes a `span` element right now). 288 289 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 290 --- 291 // I will demo highlight below for the `main` function 292 /* adrdox_highlight{ */void main() { 293 294 }/* }adrdox_highlight */ 295 // and now we are done. 296 --- 297 ) 298 299 $(H4 Console macro - for console output) 300 301 The `$(CONSOLE)` macro is for copy/pasting text out of your console, such as showing command lines or program output. You MAY nest macros inside it for additional formatting, and thus, you should escape any `$` followed by `(` in the text. 302 303 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 304 $(CONSOLE 305 $ dmd hello.d 306 $ ./hello 307 Hello, $(B world)! 308 ) 309 ) 310 311 Note that most special syntax works inside `$(CONSOLE)`, but Ddoc-style code samples, delimited with `---`, does not. This is because that breaks things more often than it is useful. 312 313 In particular, using the `$(HIGHLIGHT)` macro inside CONSOLE may be helpful. 314 315 $(H3 Documented unittests) 316 317 $(SIDEBAR Why does it allow inline examples? I often write full examples that I want to present in the prose, but I also like the compile check the unittests provide. So to get best of both worlds, I had to do it myself.) 318 319 I also implemented the feature from ddoc where unittests with a documentation comment are appended to the examples section of the previous documented declaration. They will appear in an `Examples` section (together with any others you manually write in `Examples:`), or inline in the documentation if you give them an `$(ID some_unique_name)` in the doc comment of the unittest, and write `$(EMBED_UNITTEST some_unique_name)` somewhere in your body text. Both the test and its associated comment will be moved to that location instead of being put in the examples section. 320 321 If you have a line that must be in the test to be useful, but should not appear in the documentation, you can simply comment it: `// exclude from docs`. But the line must end with that exact string. 322 323 --- 324 /// The assert inside will not appear in the generated docs 325 unittest { 326 int a; 327 assert(a == 2); // exclude from docs 328 writeln(a); 329 } 330 --- 331 332 $(H2 Cross-referencing) 333 334 Many tasks of cross-referencing are done automatically. Inheritance and function signatures use semantic data from the D source to link themselves. URLs in the raw text, such as http://dpldocs.info/ are detected and hyperlinked automatically. Tables of contents are created, as needed, by scanning for headers. 335 336 However, in your text, you may also want to reference names and links that are not automatically detected. 337 338 $(SIDEBAR It does not attempt to pick out D symbol names automatically from the text, since this leads to a great many false positives. ddoc's attempt to do this failed miserably.) 339 340 Since this is such a common task, I dedicated a short, special syntax to it: square brackets. Write a name or URL inside brackets and it will linkify it, as specifically as it can from the index built from semantic D data. For example: `[arsd.color]` will yield [arsd.color], a link to my color module. 341 342 When documenting code, it will first try to detect a URL. If so, it treats it as a link. Next, it will try to look up the D identifier in the current scope. If it finds it, it will link to the most local variable, following the import graph. If all else fails, it will just assume it is a relative filename and link that way. 343 344 $(NOTE 345 If you want to load modules for name lookup, but not generate documentation for them, pass 346 the file or the directory containing to `adrdox` with `--load`. 347 ) 348 349 In most cases, putting a D name inside brackets should link as you expect. 350 351 You can also change the display name by putting a pipe after the link, followed by text: `[arsd.color|my color module]` gives [arsd.color|my color module]. 352 353 Local sections can be referenced with `[#cross-referencing]`: [#cross-referencing]. 354 355 $(H3 Markdown-style links) 356 357 Markdown-style `[text](url)` links are also supported. There must be no space between the `]` and `(` and it must all appear on the same line. [My link here](http://dpldocs.info). Markdown-style links do $(B not) attempt name lookups like adrdox native `[links]`. 358 359 $(H3 User-defined attribues) 360 361 If you want a UDA to document its uses, you can add the magic macro `$(UDA_USES)` to it somewhere. This will list links to each symbol possessing the uda. 362 363 --- 364 /++ 365 This is used on: 366 367 $(UDA_USES) 368 +/ 369 enum MyUDA; 370 371 @MyUDA void foo() {} 372 --- 373 374 $(H2 Paragraph detection) 375 376 The generator will automatically handle paragraph tags by looking for blank lines and other separators. Just write and trust it to do the right thing. (If it doesn't, email me a bug report, please.) 377 378 $(H2 Images) 379 380 You can post images with `$(IMG source_url, alt text)`. The default CSS will put some reasonable size limits and margin on it. 381 382 The image will typically be hosted elsewhere, `IMG` simply takes a URL (though it can be a data url, you need to manage that yourself too). 383 384 FIXME: implement and document `$(LEFT )`, `$(RIGHT )`, and `$(CENTERED )`. 385 386 You may also use inline `$(SVG )` or `$(RAW_HTML)`. FIXME 387 388 Markdown-style `` images are also supported, iff there are no spaces between the symbols and all appear on the same line. . 389 390 Note that if the parens are not there, it is normal![1] (code there: `normal![1]`) 391 392 $(H2 Headers) 393 394 You can use ddoc-style macros for headers: `$(H1 Name of header)`, `$(H2 Subheader)`, and so on through `$(H6)`. Linking will be added automatically by the generator. 395 396 Custom ddoc sections (see below) are translated into `<h3>` headers. 397 398 You can also use a markdown style `====` under a line to trigger a header. These will render as `<h3>` if at top level, and `<h4>` if under a custom ddoc section (FIXME: that details is not yet implemented). For this to work: 399 400 $(LIST 401 * The header must be preceded by a blank line 402 * The `====` must be directly below the header 403 * The `====` must be followed by a blank line 404 * There must be at least 4 `=` on the line, and no other text (excluding whitespace). 405 ) 406 407 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 408 409 This is some text preceding the header. 410 411 This is the header 412 ================== 413 414 This is a paragraph under that header. 415 ) 416 417 Moreover, markdown style `## Header` are also supported. The number of `#` characters indicate the header level (1-6). Similar restrictions apply: 418 419 $(LIST 420 * The header must be preceded by and followed by a blank line 421 * The `#` must be the first non-whitespace character on the line 422 * There must be a space following the `#` characters. 423 ) 424 425 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 426 427 # H1 428 429 ## H2 430 431 ### H3 432 433 #not a header, missing space 434 435 a # is not a header 436 437 Nor is the following a header 438 # because it is not preceded by a blank line 439 ) 440 441 $(H3 Ddoc sections) 442 443 Most the Ddoc sections are supported too, and should be used where appropriate to document your code. I also added one called `diagnostics:`, where you can list common compile errors seen with the function. 444 445 `Examples:` (or `Example:`) is special in that documented unit tests are appended here. 446 447 You may define custom ddoc sections as long as they are all one word and includes at least one underscore in the name. They will be translated to `H3` headers, since they typically go under the `Detailed Description` H2-level header. 448 449 Be sure to correctly nest headers - put H3 under H2, and H4 under H3, etc. Failure to do so may break your table of contents. 450 451 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 452 $(H2 A header) 453 Some content 454 $(H3 Another header) 455 Some more content 456 457 A_Ddoc_Style_Header: 458 And some content 459 ) 460 461 462 $(H2 Content blocks) 463 464 There are a few content blocks to add boxes to your documentation: `$(TIP)`, `$(NOTE)`, `$(WARNING)`, `$(PITFALL)`, and `$(SIDEBAR)`. Inside these, you may write any content. 465 466 Use these boxes to make certain content stand out so the reader pays attention to something special (or, in the case of `SIDEBAR`, get out of the way so the reader can skip it). The intended semantics are: 467 468 `$(TIP)` is a cool fact to help you make the most of the code. 469 470 `$(NOTE)` is something the reader should be aware of, but they can get it wrong without major consequence. 471 472 `$(WARNING)` is something they need to watch out for, such as potential crashes or memory leaks when using the function. 473 474 `$(PITFALL)` is something that users very commonly get wrong and you want them to see it to avoid making the same mistake yet again. 475 476 `$(SIDEBAR)` will be typically displayed outside the flow of the text. It should be used when you want to expand on some details, but it isn't something the user strictly needs to know. 477 478 $(H2 Fancier Formatting) 479 480 $(SIDEBAR 481 $(H3 Why use macro syntax to bracket it instead of trying to detect like Markdown does?) 482 483 Basically, I have to support at least some of ddoc macro syntax anyway for compatibility with existing documents like Phobos, so it is a convenient thing to simplify my parser. 484 485 But, beyond that, it also gives me a chance to accept metadata, like class names to add to the HTML by putting them inside the block too. 486 ) 487 488 There are several magic macros that use domain-specific syntaxes for common formatting tasks, like lists and tables. The ddoc-style macro brackets the text, which is laid out in a particular way to make writing, reading, and editing the data most easy. 489 490 491 $(H3 Blockquotes) 492 493 Use the `$(BLOCKQUOTE)` macro to surround the quote. It will render as you expected. 494 495 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 496 $(BLOCKQUOTE 497 This is a quote! You can write whatever you want in here. 498 499 Including paragraphs, and other content. Unlike markdown, you 500 do not need to write `>` or spaces or anything else before every 501 line, instead you just wrap the whole thing in `$(BLOCKQUOTE)`. 502 503 If it has unbalanced parenthesis, you can use `$(LPAREN)` or `$(RPAREN)` 504 for them. 505 ) 506 ) 507 508 $(H3 Lists) 509 510 There are two types of list: `$(LIST)` and `$(NUMBERED_LIST)`. Both work the same way. The only difference is `$(LIST)` generates a `<ul>` tag, while `$(NUMBERED_LIST)` generates a `<ol>` tag. 511 512 Inside the magic list macros, a `*` character at the beginning of a line will create a new list item. 513 514 $(WARNING 515 Make sure the leading `*` does not line up with your comment marker, or the preprocessor may strip it thinking it is a comment in the style of: 516 517 --- 518 /** 519 * one of these 520 */ 521 --- 522 523 Since the preprocessor runs before analyzing brackets, it won't know that the star was intentional. 524 525 I recommend indenting your list stars by at least 4 spaces or one tab for best results. 526 ) 527 528 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 529 $(LIST 530 * List item 531 * Another list item 532 ) 533 534 $(NUMBERED_LIST 535 * One 536 * Two 537 * Three 538 ) 539 ) 540 541 Text inside the list items is processed normally. You may nest lists, have paragraphs inside them, or anything else. 542 543 $(TIP You can add a class name to the list element in the HTML by using the `$(CLASS)` magic macro before opening your first list item. Use this class, along with CSS, to apply custom style to the list and its items.) 544 545 You may also use `$(RAW_HTML)` for full control of the output, or legacy Ddoc style `$(UL $(LI ...))` macros to form lists as well. 546 547 $(H3 Tables) 548 549 I support two table syntaxes: list tables (by row and by column, inspired by reStructuredText) and compact tables, with optional ASCII art (inspired by Markdown). 550 551 $(H4 Compact Tables) 552 553 A compact table consists of an optional one-line caption, a one-line header row, and any number of one-line data rows. 554 555 Cells are separated with the `|` character. Empty cells at the beginning or end of the table are ignored, allowing you to draw an ASCII art border around the table if you like. 556 557 The first row is always considered the header row. Columns without header text are also considered header columns. 558 559 The minimal syntax to define a table is: 560 561 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 562 $(SMALL_TABLE 563 Basic table caption (this line is optional) 564 header 1|header 2 565 data 1|data 2 566 more data | more data 567 ) 568 ) 569 570 $(TIP Since the ddoc-style macro bracketing the table must have balanced parenthesis, any unbalanced parenthesis character inside should be put inside a $(BACKTICK)code block$(BACKTICK). You can also put pipe characters inside code blocks: 571 572 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 573 $(SMALL_TABLE 574 h1|h2 575 `d1|with pipe`|d2 576 ) 577 ) 578 ) 579 580 ASCII art inside the compact table is allowed, but not required. Any line that consists only of the characters `+-=|` is assumed to be decorative and ignored by the parser. Empty lines are also ignored. White space around your cells are also ignored. 581 582 The result is you can style it how you like. The following code will render the same way as the above table: 583 584 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 585 $(SMALL_TABLE 586 Basic table caption (this line is optional) 587 +-----------+-----------+ 588 | header 1 | header 2 | 589 +===========+===========+ 590 | data 1 | data 2 | 591 | more data | more data | 592 +-----------+-----------+ 593 ) 594 ) 595 596 $(H5 Two-dimensional tabular data) 597 598 If a table has an empty upper-left cell, it is assumed to have two axes. Cells under the column with the empty header are also rendered as headers. 599 600 Here is a two-dimensional table with and without the optional ascii art. 601 602 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 603 $(SMALL_TABLE 604 605 XOR Truth Table 606 +-----------+ 607 | | 0 | 1 | 608 +===|===|===+ 609 | 0 | F | T | 610 | 1 | T | F | 611 +-----------+ 612 ) 613 614 $(SMALL_TABLE 615 Alternative XOR 616 ||0|1 617 0|F|T 618 1|T|F 619 ) 620 ) 621 622 Notice that even without the ascii art, the outer pipe is necessary to indicate that an empty cell was intended in the upper left corner. 623 624 $(TIP 625 If you want to make a feature table, you can do it as a compact 626 table with any entry for yes, and no data for no. 627 628 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 629 $(SMALL_TABLE 630 Features 631 || x | y 632 a| * | 633 b| | * 634 c| * | * 635 ) 636 ) 637 638 You can then style these with CSS rules like `td:empty` in lieu of adding a class to each element. The empty cell on the right did not require an extra `|` because all data rows are assumed to have equal number of cells as the header row. 639 ) 640 641 $(H4 Longer tables) 642 643 I also support a list table format, inspired by restructuredText. 644 645 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 646 $(TABLE_ROWS 647 Caption 648 * + Header 1 649 + Header 2 650 * - Data 1 651 - Data 2 652 * - Data 1 653 - Data 2 654 ) 655 ) 656 657 In this format, the text before any `*` is the caption. Then, a leading `*` indicates a new row, a leading `+` starts a new table header, and a leading `-` starts a new table cell. The cells can be as long as you like. 658 659 adrdox will also detect if you put a header on the left side of later rows, and format the table accordingly: 660 661 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 662 $(TABLE_ROWS 663 Caption 664 * + Header 1 665 + Header 2 666 + Header 3 667 * + 2D Header 668 - Data 1.2 669 - Data 1.3 670 * + Again 671 - Data 1.2 672 - Data 2.3 673 ) 674 ) 675 676 677 678 $(H4 Formatting tables) 679 680 To format tables, including aligning text inside a column, add a class name to the tag using the magic `$(CLASS name)` macro right inside the table backeting, then target that with CSS rules in your stylesheet. 681 682 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 683 $(RAW_HTML 684 <style> 685 .my-yellow-table { 686 background-color: yellow; 687 } 688 </style> 689 ) 690 $(TABLE_ROWS 691 $(CLASS my-yellow-table) 692 Caption 693 * + Header 1 694 + Header 2 695 * - Data 1 696 - Data 2 697 * - Data 1 698 - Data 2 699 ) 700 ) 701 702 703 $(H4 More advanced tables) 704 705 To avoid complicating the syntax in more common cases, I do not attempt to support everything possible. Notably, most cases of colspan and rowspan cannot be expressed in any of my syntaxes. 706 707 If you need something, and all else fails, you can always use the `$(RAW_HTML)` escape hatch and write the code yourself. 708 709 $(H2 Mathematics) 710 711 The doc generator can also render LaTeX formulas, if latex and dvipng is installed on your system. 712 713 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 714 $(MATH \int_{1}^{\pi} \cos(x) dx ) 715 ) 716 717 Note that generating these images is kinda slow. You must balance parenthesis inside the macro, and all the output images will be rendered inline, packed in the html file. 718 719 If you can use a plain text or html character btw, you should. Don't break out MATH just for an $(INF) symbol, for example. 720 721 $(H2 Ddoc Macro to HTML Tag reference) 722 723 $(LIST 724 * `$(IMG source_url, alt text)` 725 * `$(B bold text)` 726 * `$(I italic text)` 727 * `$(U underlined text)` 728 * `$(SUPERSCRIPT superscript text)` 729 * `$(SUB subscript text)` 730 ) 731 732 $(H3 Adding ID and class attributes to HTML) 733 734 You can add an ID or class attribute to an HTML tag by putting `$(ID id_here)` or `$(CLASS class_here)` inside a ddoc macro. It must be inside a `$(ddoc_style)` macro to be recognized. 735 736 $(H2 Ddoc Sections) 737 738 $(H3 List of supported DDoc Sections) 739 740 $(LIST 741 * `Examples:` or `Example:` gives usage examples. Documented unittests, if present and not embedded (see [#documented-unittests]), will also appear here. 742 * `Bugs:` 743 * `See_Also:` 744 * `Returns:` 745 * `Throws:` 746 * `Deprecated:` 747 * `Params:` uses a special `name = comment` syntax, just like ddoc, where only param names detected are printed. 748 * `Macros:` are read, but ignored. 749 ) 750 751 Note that as an extension to ddoc, I also support doc comments on params as if it was written in the `Params:` section. 752 753 $(H3 Meta subsections) 754 755 The following sections, if present, will be grouped under the `Meta` header: 756 757 $(LIST 758 * `Authors:` or `Author:` 759 * `Date` 760 * `License:` 761 * `Source:` 762 * `History:` 763 * `Credits:` 764 * `Standards:` 765 * `Copyright:` 766 * `Version:` 767 ) 768 769 $(H3 Adrdox extension sections) 770 771 $(LIST 772 * `Diagnostics:` is a place to describe common errors you will see while trying to use the function, and explain how to fix them. 773 * `Link_References:` does name=value. See [#footnotes]. 774 $(COMMENT * `Adrdox_Meta:` intrduces metadata for the generator. See [#metadata] ) 775 ) 776 777 $(H3 Custom sections) 778 779 If you start a line with `some_section:`, it will become a custom section in the document. It must have at least one underscore to be recognizes as a custom section. 780 781 $(COMMENT 782 $(H2 Metadata) 783 784 FIXME: NOT IMPLEMENTED 785 786 You can add metadata about your project to a `Adrdox_Meta:` section in the doc comment attached to the module declaration. These are inherited by submodules in your project as long as the package.d with the definition is loaded (see `--load` or passed as command line arg to be generated). 787 788 It can define: 789 $(LINK 790 * Project name 791 * Project logo image 792 * Project homepage 793 * Project color scheme: light or dark and accent color 794 * Scripts for the project 795 ) 796 ) 797 798 $(H2 Footnotes) 799 800 adrdox supports footnotes[1] and popup notes[2], scoped to the declaration attached to the comment. The syntax is to simply write `[n]`, such as `[1]`, where you want it to be displayed, then later in the comment, write a `Link_References:` section at the end of your comment, like so: 801 802 ``` 803 Link_References: 804 1 = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Footnote 805 2 = This note will popup inline. 806 ``` 807 808 Undefined footnote references output the plain text without modification, like [3]. Numeric footnotes can only be used locally, they must be used and defined inside the same comment. 809 810 $(NOTE Text references must always be contained to a single line in the current implementation.) 811 812 If you need something more complex than a single link or line of text, write a section for your notes inside your comment and use the `[n]` Link_References to link to it: 813 814 --- 815 /++ 816 This huge complex function needs a complex footnote[1]. 817 818 $(H2 Footnotes) 819 820 $(DIV $(ID note-1) 821 This can be arbitrarily complex. 822 ) 823 824 Link_References: 825 1 = [a_huge_complex_function#note-1] 826 +/ 827 void a_huge_complex_function() {} 828 --- 829 830 See that live [a_huge_complex_function|here]. 831 832 You can also do custom links, images, or popup text via the shortcut `[reference]` syntax. You can define them with a symbol name in the Link_References section: 833 834 ``` 835 Link_References: 836 dlang = http://dlang.org/ 837 dlogo = $(IMG /d-logo.png, The D Logo) 838 dmotto = Modern convenience. Modeling power. Native efficiency. 839 ``` 840 841 You can now reference those with `[dlang], [dlogo], and [dmotto]`, which will render thusly: [dlang], [dlogo], [dmotto]. Be aware that ONLY a single line of plain text, a single `$(IMG)`, or a single link (url or convenience reference, see below) are allowed in the `Link_References` section. 842 843 $(NOTE 844 Link references will override D name lookup. Be aware of name clashes that might 845 break convenient access to in-scope symbol names. 846 ) 847 848 Like with other convenience links, you can change the displayed text by using a pipe character, like `[dlang|The D Website]`. It will continue to link to the same place or pop up the same text. If the name references an image, the text after the pipe will locally change the `alt` text on the image tag. 849 850 Additionally, the pipe character can be used in the reference definition to change the default display text: 851 852 ``` 853 Link_References: 854 input_range = [std.range.primitives.isInputRange|input range] 855 ``` 856 857 will always show "input range" when you write `[input_range]`, but can still be overridden by local text after the pipe, like `[input_range|an input range]`. Those will render: [input_range] and [input_range|an input range]. 858 859 $(TIP 860 Yes, you can define link references in terms of a D reference. It will look up the name using the normal scoping rules for the attached declaration. 861 ) 862 863 $(WARNING 864 If you use a reference in a global reference definition, it will look up the name in the scope at the *usage point*. This may change in the future. 865 ) 866 867 Unrecognized refs are forwarded to regular lookups. 868 869 While numeric link references are strictly scoped to the declaration of the attached comment, text link references are inherited by child declarations. Thus, you can define shortcuts at module scope and use them throughout the module. You can even define one in a package and use it throughout the package, without explicitly importing the `package.d` inside the module. Link references, however, are $(I not) imported like normal D symbols. They follow a strict parent->child inheritance. 870 871 If you need a link reference to be used over and over across packages, you may also define global link references in a text file you pass to adrdox with the `--link-references` option. The format of this text file is as follows: 872 873 ``` 874 name = value 875 othername = other value 876 ``` 877 878 Yes, the same as the `Link_References:` section inside a comment, but with no surrounding decoration. 879 880 $(PITFALL Be especially careful when defining global textual link macros, because they will override normal name lookups when doing `[convenient]` cross references across the entire current documentation build set.) 881 882 You may want to give unique, yet convenient names to common concepts used throughout your library and define them as Link_References for easy use. 883 884 Link_References: 885 1 = http://dpldocs.info/ 886 2 = Popup notes are done as <abbr> tags with title attributes. 887 input_range = [std.range.primitives.isInputRange|input range] 888 dlang = http://dlang.org/ 889 dlogo = $(IMG /d-logo.png, The D Logo) 890 dmotto = Modern convenience. Modeling power. Native efficiency. 891 892 $(H2 Side-by-side comparisons) 893 894 You might want to show two things side by side to emphasize how the user's existing knowledge can be shared. You can do that with the `$(SIDE_BY_SIDE $(COLUMN))` syntax: 895 896 $(ADRDOX_SAMPLE 897 $(SIDE_BY_SIDE 898 $(COLUMN 899 ```php 900 <?php 901 $foo = $_POST["foo"]; 902 ?> 903 ``` 904 ) 905 $(COLUMN 906 --- 907 import arsd.cgi; 908 string foo = cgi.post["foo"]; 909 --- 910 ) 911 ) 912 ) 913 914 Try to keep your columns as narrow as reasonable, so they can actually be read side-by-side! 915 916 $(H2 Commenting stuff out in comments) 917 918 The macro `$(COMMENT ...)` is removed from the generated document. You can use it to comment 919 stuff out of your comment. Of course, you can also just use regular `/*` comments instead of 920 `/**`. 921 922 $(H2 Always Documenting Something) 923 924 If you want something to always be documented, even if it is private, add `$(ALWAYS_DOCUMENT)` to its comment somewhere. 925 926 $(H2 Never Documenting Something) 927 928 If you want something to NEVER be documented, even if adrdox is run with --document-undocumented and other switches, add `$(NEVER_DOCUMENT)` to its comment somewhere. You should use this very rarely. 929 930 $(H2 Documentable Constructs) 931 932 adrdox allows documenting more language constructs than ddoc. It lets you document public imports, postblits, destructors, anonymous enums, and more. Try putting a doc comment on almost anything and see what happens! 933 934 +/ 935 module adrdox.syntax; 936 937 /+ 938 /// first 939 struct A { 940 /// second 941 union { 942 /// third 943 int a; 944 /// fourth 945 int b; 946 } 947 } 948 +/ 949 950 951 /* 952 953 $(H3 Code with output) 954 955 The magic macro `$(CODE_WITH_OUTPUT)` is used to pair a block of code with a block of output, side-by-side. The first code block in the macro is considered the code, and the rest of the content is the output. 956 957 As a special case, if the code is of the `adrdox` language, you do not need to provide output; it will render automatically. (I added that feature to make writing this document easer.) I might add other language filters too, probably by piping it out to some command line, if there's demand for it. 958 959 I intend for this to be used to show syntax translations, but any time where a side-by-side view may be useful you can give it a try. 960 961 */ 962 /++ 963 This huge complex function needs a complex footnote[1]. 964 965 $(H2 Footnotes) 966 967 $(DIV $(ID note-1) 968 This can be arbitrarily complex. 969 ) 970 971 Link_References: 972 1 = [a_huge_complex_function#note-1] 973 +/ 974 void a_huge_complex_function() {} 975 976 /// 977 void test() {}